Code Two
19 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is is the same ballpark as Daniele Thompson's Le Code A Change and that's not necessarily a bad thing given that Thompson is a seriously talented writer-director. Both movies focus largely on dinner parties involving close friends and/or families, skeletons, closets, home truths - perm any two from three. This takes about a reel and a half to hit its stride after which it delivers consistently. It benefits from a fine screenplay and some great ensemble acting by people we don't see that often outside France with Patrick Bruehl and Charles Berling having the highest profiles. It's not going to win any prizes for originality but against that it does take a well-worn plot and breathe new life into it as a fairly banal practical joke triggers repercussions far outside the scope of the original intention and a close-knit group edges close to the brink of fragmentation. It would be churlish to single out any one of the high quality performances and I for one will certainly watch it again.
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