A Great Turkey-Time Movie 8 of 10
14 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is an 8 out of 10 in the category of funny-to-watch-but-aimed-at-being-serious turkey-time movies. I highly recommend it. For those who can't see this type of humour it is a 2 and not worth the time it took you to read this far.

I knew this was bad before I watched it. IMDb rated it 2.7 and didn't have a review so I figured it might be a hoot, turkey time, but knew it could also be just terrible and unfunnily so.

With that in mind I was pleased to be smiling fairly quickly and fairly often.

Right off the bat we have a girl floating in what should be rapid flowing water but is clearly stationary. She looks to one side in fright at the monster wave about to engulf her and is hit from the other side by what must have been a large bucket of water. lol.

And it just keeps getting better and better. This is not just bad, it is funny-bad. It is not camp, nor a parody, it is just plain bad to the point of humour.

At the 21 minute mark there is a boat scene that you can use as a benchmark. If that scene isn't making you laugh then give up.

Trying to figure out what is going on, why, and what it has to do with the dialogue creates suspense and the closer attention you pay to anything (dialogue, characters, plot, you name it) the more improbable it becomes. Many movies cast out seemingly unconnected segments which are brought together to form something coherent at, near, or just after, the end of the movie. This is not one of them but trying to keep track definitely fills out the literal lol moments, which, if you are looking, are everywhere.

Best of all the special effects rival those of Gilligan's Island - but with better graphics!

To sum up: I plan to see it again. The acting is funny, the dialogue is funny, the special effects ARE funny - this should be re-branded and released as a cult-comedy.
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