Fun and entertaining comedy in which a particular couple kidnaps a yuppie marriage
5 December 2012
Amusing Spanish comedy in which four peculiar characters played by good actors become involved into improbable situations . Funny and bemusing comedy with brief touches of sex and full of entertainment , humor and sheer amusement . It deals with two fifty-years-old men , a middle-aged inmate named Felix (Jordi Bosch) , and Concha (Carmen Maura) who does as the energetic cook , now without employment , that wants to force her man on a weekend leave from prison to escape to Brazil with her . The two born-losers on the brink of despair , both of whom are caught up in trouble when their car crashes . Then a yuppie couple , Luis (Eduardo Noriega) and Marta (Natalia Verbeke) , stopping to pick them up on the road . In their vicissitude , the dropouts will be accompanied by the strange marriage as Luis suffers from illness apprehensions . In pursuing its objective the losers will face several misfortunes , mishaps who do not seem willing to Concha and and Felix are off the hook . Meanwhile , the motley group travels across Northern Spanish throughout Pais Vasco until Fuenterrabia , being their aim to arrive France and ulteriorly Brazil .

This action comedy contains lots of humor , road movie , entertainment and amusement . The film moves in fits and starts most of which would be desirable , with more traps the viewer resists any kind, and some moments of enjoyment and others quite a few embarrassing . The journey of the protagonists is so repetitive and the most part results to be rich in absurdities and implausibilities . Sympathetic performances from Carmen Maura as an obstinate ex-cook who has planned to get out of the country along with his sweetheart well performed by Jordi Bosch , Eduardo Noriega as an apprehensive financier and gorgeous Natalie Verveke as a likable medic . Agreeable support cast gives nice acting as Ramon Barea and Aitor Mazo ; furthermore brief cameo by singer Mikel Erentxun as a driver . Colorful photography with juicy atmosphere by Kiko De La Rica , Alex De La Iglesia's usual, deemed to be one of the best Spanish cameraman . Lively and atmospheric musical score by Lucio Godoy , he is a good musician who has composed superb jobs as Blackthorn , Girasoles Ciegos , Mataharis , Cachorro , among others . The motion picture was professionally directed by Alfonso Arandia , being his second and last film , though has realized several TV episodes for known series such as Los Protegidos , Gavilanes , El Comisario , Chica de Ayer , Sin Tetas No hay Paraiso , among others . Rating : Acceptable and passable . The picture will appeal to Eduardo Noriega and Carmen Maura fans .
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