Cybergeddon (2012)
Very entertaining for cybergeeks
21 November 2012
So in a week or so, I graduate with a master's degree in cybersecurity. I heard about this a few months ago and never had the time to get around to it, but now I found 2 hours to watch the whole thing and was extremely entertained. I want to review this and address some points..

1) Technical. Not bad. They can't dive into great details of what a buffer overflow is, but they attempt to get more technical than something you'd see on a major network. I found some of the instant hacks not believable, but the overall point is made. I think 95% of my friends are in complete denial of what dangers exist, and this movie does the justice of leading up to a point where a "cybergeddon" could happen. As a technical guy, it definitely entertained, and I think the sponsorship by Norton probably helped with this significantly.

2) Performances. The lead actress I didn't recognize but was stunning in appearance while having great range. Emotional, physical, thoughtful..she definitely has a very bright future. She looks a ton like Alana de la garza, which I'm sure she gets a lot. I instantly recognized Oliver Martinez as the bad guy from a lot of things, and he was pretty good as the villain.

3) Director. Wow. I liked how different it was right from the start with seeing bank accounts on a computer screen in a split screen or sort of overlay. I was really entertained by this style, which almost had a "24" sort of feel to it, without the lead getting shot 3 times an episode.

Overall, it was fast moving, interesting, entertaining, aesthetically captivating....a few hollow performances, but I'm more than willing to overlook it with a low budget web series. The subject matter may be too narrow to take to the "big screen" without having to dumb it down and make more explosions...see Bruce Willis in Die Hard 4 if you want that. See this if you are more of a techogeek and want the small screen indie experience.
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