Angus (1995)
Charming and Fun Winner
19 November 2012
Angus (1995)

*** (out of 4)

Charming gem about an overweight teenager named Angus (Charlie Talbert) who is constantly being tormented by the kids at his school. This eventually leads to him being the target of a prank that gets him elected homecoming king where he's going to have to dance with the Queen, which just happens to be the girl of his dreams (Ariana Richards). Through all of this Angus has his grandfather (George C. Scott) and mother (Kathy Bates) there trying to do what's best for him. ANGUS is a truly charming little gem and it's really too bad that it never found a bigger audience because it's really a good little movie. Of course it's going to have a big message going throughout but what really makes this film work are the performances and the relationship that Charlie has with the people around him. The main focus is the relationship between Charlie and his grandfather with this here getting some of the most heartwarming scenes in the picture. Talbert is excellent in his role as the abused teen as he really has a lot of passion in the performance and I think it's fair to say that he perfectly handles the emotional challenges of the role. Bates is also good in her supporting bit as is James Van Der Beek and Richards. The real scene stealer is George C. Scott who is just so tender and fun here as the advice giving grandfather. The film certainly borrows some from CARRIE but this here is just played for laughs and its message. The film isn't a masterpiece but for its type it's very charming and fun to watch.
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