twin peaks vs hostel vs terminator 2 lol
16 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this a 9 just because it surprised me so much. It's prob more of a 6 or 7 out of 10! Quite a few people gave bad reviews because it wasn't like the first film or people have very low expectations because all the other sequels were so dire.

I would like to offer an opinion on the film that I believe is not made bias by preconceptions.

JCVD only plays a bit part really as does Dolph lungren this is basically a Scott Adkins film. He is by far superior to both those guys so that is not a problem.

Right from the start this film was dark. The director used chilling music similar to terminator 2 music to keep us on edge throughout the film.

There wasn't much character development or story telling going on other than what was needed to take us from one violent bone crunching scene to the next!! Going by the other reviews I would say a lot of people didn't understand the film and just found it strange....... Common guys it's not that fu%&king complicated! This film clearly has no basis in reality but there is an explanation for everything if you know the unisol story.

All I will say is that the good guy was actually sent by the bad guys. The bad guy was really the good guy but got it anyway because the good/bad guy was so awesome. The good/bad guy then takes over the cause of the bad guy who was really the good guy!!!!!!!! Surely you know what I mean...........

I will look out for the director of this show as he has a good eye for the dark side. The scenes were well put together. The fighting scenes were bone crunching, bloody and brutal mainly because the unisols can take a lot of damage and heal. The unisols are more advanced than the original and don't need chilling down etc. For those who say this shouldn't have been so dark all I will say is that these dudes are basically killing machines brought back from the dead what did you expect! In summary this is better than the first one even (as long as you can understand it) Scott Adkins is surely the king of action films now. He is awesome (not in a boy crush kind of way)
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