The X-Files: Revelations (1995)
Season 3, Episode 11
X(erox) Files, a bit
10 November 2012
The thing that I realize now is that what's the most supernatural in this show doesn't come from aliens, ghosts or whatever but is simply the work relationship between Mulder and Scully. In real life, colleagues aren't compassionate, witty, helpful or supportive. Finding one like them is as difficult as seeing a real alien! It's true still that now Fox and Mulder become more and more intimate, especially Scully who can show bits of jealousy when a cute babe deals with Mulder.

Next, with such a great but limited formula (investigating paranormal), i expected to see the show cannibalize itself, as one producers said. But I'm surprised it comes as soon as this third season. Frankly, a lot of episodes look like very much plots of the previous seasons. A few managed however to be innovative: "the walk", "oubliette", "pusher". The season stinker are ""Teso Dos Bichos", "Hell Money": nothing really start there and the episodes drags endlessly in the dark. A lot of praise goes to Morgan scripts of "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose", and "José Chung's From Outer Space" but I don't found them very riveting. The latter is also unintelligible, as the real alien abductor needs a spaceship for going into inner earth!

Sure, in this season, the mythology gets more powerful. If some episodes offer amazing, deep visions and conspiracies, sometimes its a bit too much macabre soap opera (abducting a sister, killing a father and another sister) and the endless fights with Skinner are boring! Above all, the narrative has reached the breakpoint because the more they knew, the more they return to "simple" paranormal cases! At last, one companion book of xfiles (not the Genge's which sucks!) answers what I took for another failure: if Mulder and Scully are still alive, it's not because of the clumsiness of the Syndicate, but because they want it: with the duo alive, they have the best plumbers on earth to look after their leaks!

About the production, the thing that is evident in this season is that the show opens to a lot of know faces, my best being Fletch's ex- girlfriend (will you find her?).

With all this, I pick this episode for my season winner: dealing paranormal with religion is a dangerous step for the show. Indeed, if Christ is now on earth (i like his "You will" answer to Scully's invitation to meet again), pursuing aliens becomes senseless, as the creator is the same for humans and aliens. Strangely, Mulder is totally close to faith and don't seem to wonder who create the aliens?
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