¿Qué pasa, U.S.A.? (1977–1980)
My Big Fat CUBAN Family - before it's time
9 November 2012
This classic show gives a realistic, hysterical view of the lives of Cuban-American family that people of all backgrounds can relate to. This is My Big Fat Greek Wedding for Cubans. I fondly remember watching this show as a young girl and laughing at the interactions between the family members. Recently, I had the opportunity to watch a few episodes and had a greater understanding and appreciation of the topics tackled -- family dynamics, trying to assimilate with American culture while maintaining roots, and growing pains of life. The episode I'll forever hold dear as the funniest EVER is when Abuelo and Abuela go through the US citizenship process: HILARIOUS. Great show, wonderful cast, and unforgettable story lines. They don't make shows like this anymore and that's a shame.
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