A poor western... especially if you dislike westerns
29 October 2012
Westerns were really out of fashion when director Charles B. Pierce made this one, so you have to admire him for putting so much effort into making it. Unfortunately, that's about the nicest thing I can say about "Hawken's Breed". The other user comments who wrote negative things about this movie were right about its bad quality. It's as slow as molasses, with most of what happens in the first half being completely unnecessary, except maybe to pad out the very thin story. The movie also shows some signs that it was a troubled production, with excessive use of narration used to try and explain things (and sometimes contradicting what we see and hear from the characters!) Even Guido and Maurizio De Angelis (what are they doing on an American film?) can't liven things up with their musical score, which is far from their best work. If there is anything else positive to say about the movie besides trying to resurrect a dead genre, it's that it provided work for Peter Fonda during a lean period for him.
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