and this is America, this is the u.s. military, this is the cover ups!
24 October 2012
so you love your country, you love the military, you are patriotic, and you come from the military family tree, you love the uniform, you love the g.i. bill. when you are under fire, you rely on your soldier comrades to help you fighting back and remain alive. but when you are raped, all these kind of illusion are gone, your whole life is shattered, you suffer untreatable damages not just your body but your soul, your faith, your patriotism. all those you believed before suddenly become lies. the united states military forces suddenly become a huge monster that you would never know how to deal with. these accusations only fall on deaf ears. suddenly you become a slot, an adulterer, a shameless bitch, damaging the military reputation. the raped ones not only become the victims when they were raped by either their comrades or their superior ranking officers. so they are threatened to become a second-time victims. where is the justice, where are the constitution rights and human rights for those who were being raped and continuously being raped? the American government always like to meddle with other countries' human rights but they can't even justify what their own citizens' basic human rights. the American government is the biggest lying and phony entity in the world and probably in the whole universe.
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