Mongolian Death Worm (2010 TV Movie)
Texas Mongolian Death Worms Massacre!
20 October 2012
There were times when I got super excited about any new upcoming creature feature. Then I discovered Syfy channel productions and my excitement went down a bit. Years later I discovered Asylum and lost pretty much all hope for a good monster movies with old school special effects. I used to the fact that Syfy can't do any good movie, it would be just against their rules and then I bought 'Mongolian Death Worms'. I know, title says it all but I couldn't resist. I used to read a lot legends about the cryptozoological creatures known as 'Mongolian Death Worms' and thought once - hey, maybe Syfy Channel will make the movie about them. And they Did! What's more surprising, this movie is actually not that bad. I mean - obviously, It's still Syfy channel with all It's glory - cgi creatures, one good actor surrounded by a bunch of amateurs, moronic script, cliché storyline etc but It's watchable. CGI is actually very good(for syfy features), worms sometimes look like they would be actual puppets not cgi so the job is well done here. Acting is shitty as usual with an exception of Sean Patrick Flanery who did a good job with what he was given. His character is not interesting at all but his acting is good, makes him easier to watch and hear. Unfortunately he has no one to work with. Victoria Pratt might be considered 'hot' by some people(not me) but her acting is bad and when you combine it with usual doctor/scientist character she can get highly annoying. I was thrilled to see Andrew Stevens since he's credited to be in the movie but sadly his part lasts for like 30 seconds. I wonder why Stevens couldn't take on one of the lead characters. He was a producer, his company co-founded this movie and being legendary actor he could do a good job for a movie by acting in it. There is no gore whatsoever, whole film is kids friendly but It's still OK to watch, even with a Texas trying to be Mongolia, even with George Cheung trying to be Mongolian sheriff(driving American pick-up with a 'police' plate written on it) and stuff. I won't watch it again and It's not a good movie for sure but It's not that bad either. Give it a try once, if you feel you want to.
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