Stevie (2008 TV Movie)
Pretty flawed Horror/Drama effort
27 September 2012
After adopting a nice girl, a workaholic couple come to learn the truth behind her fear of an imaginary friend only she can see, and as their lives begin to unravel they find the true cause of the being's appearance and must stop it before it's too late.

A pretty flawed effort, this one really has a lot to really drag it down but not a great deal that it gets right. The few bright spots are the few times it really lets the ghost's presence be felt, which isn't often but generate some fine sequences nonetheless, including the dollhouse attack and the fire in the kitchen among a few others. Beyond those, though, there's not a whole lot this really gets right as it's an endless series of clichés built upon the nonsensical nature of no one believing the mother who they continually claim to be unbalanced and mentally unstable, which goes nowhere and has become very tired overall. That really drags the middle of the film down and really brings the film to a halt far too often, giving this one a pretty dragged-out feeling and more of a Drama feel than out-and-out Horror. On top of that, it's not sure what kind of film it wants to be, since there's a feeling of it being either the ghost of the girl's deceased adoption home friend or the spirit of her unborn baby seeking revenge for being forgotten, and it plays both out while never connecting any threads and making it one big mess. It's been done before and better, so this is a very flawed effort.

Rated PG-13: Violence, Language and children-in-jeopardy.
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