A bit of a strange movie, but Adam Scott gives an award-worthy performance.
17 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
We managed to find this one on Netflix streaming movies. It is a pretty "dark" movie, centered on a very dysfunctional family of a father and two adult sons. And the new girlfriend of the younger, college-age son.

The movie begins as the older brother, a construction worker, Adam Scott as Caleb Sinclaire, is required to pick up his brother at college and give him and his new girlfriend a ride to their small hometown for the Thanksgiving break. The three of them are in the somewhat cramped cab of the pickup truck, and right away Caleb is very disrespectful to the girl. There is no reason, he just seems to be a genuine "dick"!

The girl is Brittany Snow as Emma, and somehow Caleb got the impression that she is a slut because she cheated on her old boyfriend to get with his brother. So this is a running theme in the movie, Caleb's apparent disdain for Emma and perhaps all females as a group.

The younger brother is Alex Frost as naive, virginal Peter Sinclaire . He just wants to enjoy the family visit and is puzzled by Caleb's erratic behavior.

The dad is played well by J.K. Simmons as Donald Sinclaire , who seems to have some of Caleb's characteristics, often making inappropriate references towards Emma.

The family has many issues, and much of it seems to be traced to Donald's poor treatment of their mother when she was still around. They survive the holiday, just barely, and there are signs that maybe Caleb and Donald, both realizing they are very imperfect people, might be able to get along better as father and son.

Adam Scott is the main reason to see this, he gives a chilling, sometimes psycho performance as the big brother, sometimes seeming to just want to protect his little brother, sometimes seeming to want to take his girl away. I have seen him in a number of movies, but no performance like this one.
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