One of the best Paella Western with stellar cast as George Hilton and Ernest Borgnine
5 September 2012
Gazpacho with Spaghetti Western co-produced between Spain and Italy , though this time with production mostly Spanish and plenty of violence , crossfire and elements of Greek tragedy . A Confederation corporal named John Warner (George Hilton) deserts his unit at the night before a major battle during American Civil War (1861-1865) , after receiving an important message from Sandoval's son . John along with other rebels (Albert De Mendoza, Antonio Pica) escape ; later on , unites to bunch a motley band of characters (Jose Luis Martin , Leo Anchoriz , Gustavo Rojo) . Meanwhile John heads across the border to Mexico to marry his pregnant girlfriend before she gives birth . Her father named Pedro Sandoval (the recently deceased Ernest Borgnine) had forbidden their marriage, but the corporal is determined to marry her . Circumstances change when John Warner learns a surprise and he becomes into an outlaw who vows vendetta on everyone involved in his misfortune .

Director Julio Buchs achieved in "A bullet for Sandoval" possibly his best work of a modest career , with some memorable scenes and good camera movement as the initial prologue and first part in which we see the death-stricken the main star, furthermore the ending duel in ¨Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid¨ style and that makes only can say that this movie seemed to be a true surprise . The story is wrapped in an aura of sadness , a tragic event on the metamorphosis of Warner , a good man turned into a crazed psychopath . Worthwhile watching for a demonstration of the deep hating among two protagonists . It will lead a tragic ending , which is underlined by the idea of fatality, the inability to change his own fate . It's an exciting western with breathtaking showdown between the main star Hilton and the enemy Ernest Borgnine and his hoodlums . Uruguay-born George Hilton is fine as the hero / villain of this thrilling story . Hilton is fine, he ravages the screen, he jumps, shoots , bounds and leaps, hit and run , and finally kills . His performance is astonishing , above average to level of these films . George Hilton as the suffering and avenger gunslinger , in possibly her most important role that was able to defend in a Spaghetti . During this process , the protagonist John results to be a character initially positive , but he will degenerate to become a bloody and despicable gunman without feelings and inability to love . While Ernest Borgnine in a top-notch performance , is a rich , arrogant, overbearing and vindictive Mexican rancher unable to admit the affair between his daughter and a miserable foreman who has dishonored him and he will be victim of its own code of honor . Alberto De Mendoza is the tough but likable outlaw partner and although he doesn't reaches the level of Hilton , is also quite restrained , with some looks that say it all . Many other familiar faces from Chorizo/Spaghetti , there appears ordinary secondaries in Spanish/Italian Western such as Jose Luis Martin as a nasty rapist , Leo Anchoriz as a Friar Tuck-alike , Manuel De Blas , Luis Barboo , Lorenzo Robledo , George Rigaud , Alfonso Rojas , Dan Van Husen , Tito Garcia and several others. A special mention I want to highlight is the soundtrack of the film, Gianni Ferrio creates melodies that manage to finish to give the story a point even more dramatic and disturbing, making the images gain strength with the chords , a high-level work similarly the great composers of the genre . Acceptable photography by Francisco Sempere , though being necessary a right remastering , filmed on location in Las Rozas , Madrid , Lucainena de Las Torres, Andalucia, and of course , Almeria . The movie was produced by Atlantida Films/Jose Frade productions that financed several Western during the 60s and early 70s such as ¨Cuatreros¨ , ¨Mestizo¨ , ¨Challenge of McKenna¨ , ¨The mercenary¨ , ¨Los Compañeros¨, ¨twenty dollars for seven¨ and ¨Saddle tramps¨ , among others.

The motion picture was pretty well directed by Julio Buchs who also wrote the script along with Federico De Urrutia ; sometimes it is falsely claimed the movie was co-directed by Lucio Fulci, but this is not true, actor George Hilton has stated so in many interviews . Julio Buchs was an expert on thriller as he proved in ¨Salario De Crimen¨, ¨Alta tension¨ and ¨Trumpets of Apocalypse¨ and Spaghetti such as ¨Los Desesperados¨, ¨I'll kill him and return alone¨ also titled ¨El Hombre Mató Billy Kid¨ and ¨Mestizo¨ or ¨Django does not forgive¨ . Along with ¨A bullet for Sandoval¨ the Buchs's best film was ¨Encrucijada Una Monja¨ with Rosanna Schiaffino playing a similar character to ¨Audrey Hepburn's The nun's story¨ ; both of them were well directed by Julio until his early death at 46 years old .
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