No Teddy Bear's picnic!
1 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sean used to have a big time paranormal reality show but when it was revealed to be a series of hoaxes he ended up in a psych ward and his career in tatters. Now he wants one more shot at the big time by revealing the Bigfoot to be a hoax after being contacted by Drybeck who claims to have a dead one deep in the woods along the California Lost Coast. He recruits two of his old team, old girlfriend and psychic Robyn and Darryl his camera man along with Kevin who was recommended by his old sound man who refuses to return.

Along the road to the woods we see a glimpse of each of the characters and they are a reasonably likable bunch with a mixture of scepticism and belief. New boy Kevin is the hapless comedy turn and provides a few laughs along the way.

Then we meet the mysterious Drybeck who asks them to don hoods, and leave their jeep as he drives them deeper into the woods to the compound he shares with LaRoche a Canadian trapper. Drybeck reveals than the compound is protected by an electric fence as there have been several incursions from the woods as Bigfoot attempts to reclaim it's territory. Sean just laughs and is convinced the whole thing is a sham perpetrated by the two woodsmen. After the exchange of 75 grand for full access to Drybeck and his dead Bigfoot we discover that the body is hidden off site somewhere in the woods.

In good old Blair Witch style we go into the woods and encounter strange noises and various clues as to what is going on. All dismissed by sceptic Sean as the figments of Drybeck's delusional mind.

Then it starts to get interesting and more deadly. It reminds me in part of the excellent Norwegian movie Troll Hunter and has some truly inventive ideas to the tried and tested found footage genre with Sean insisting that camera's should record everything if not just for their own protection.

The acting is pretty decent and the build up of tension from the initial jovial first half of the movie is well done. We finally begin to get a reveal of what is actually going on and as the tension rises Sean begins to question his scepticism.

The final scenes are really well done and really well acted and the last few minutes especially so. Unlike the lamentable Tape 407 this one really does have an ending that will stay with you a while. Probably wanting more.

The poster for the film is quite brilliant. 'Bigfoot is hiding......but not from us!' And draws you in to the film.

But the limitations of a decent budget is where the film falls down. Some really interesting areas are hinted at but not expanded upon. Sean's breakdown due to the collapse of his reality show and the story in the woods would have been great if they could have had the cash to explore them. But giving the film maker credit he does an outstanding job within the limitations of his budget due more than in part to the actors he employed who make a believable stab at the parts they are employed to create.

Overall this is a more than decent little indie film adding a few new strokes to the 'found footage' palate. Well worth a watch in my view although don't expect TOO much as the budget was just not there. This is one of those movies that actually could do with a part II as long as it was well written and did not go into 'daft' territory like many do.
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