More Sh*t than Shating - hullfilmreview.webs.com
27 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers

When I first heard that Keith Lemon was getting his own film, I was quite excited. Leigh Francis' character Keith Lemon is somewhat of a guilty pleasure, and the excitement for his film was born from my love for ITV2's show Celebrity Juice, which although isn't the most intelligent show on television, it is crudely funny, and I guess something a teenager like myself is supposed to enjoy. My excitement was slightly dashed after the airing of 'Lemon La Vida Loca', which although mildly amusing, was a totally different side to the character, which had moved from real life interactions, to acting as a real life character.

My fears were confirmed as soon as the film started, as it was obvious the same 'reality acting' would be continued. Still, I wanted to give the film a chance since I was such a fan of Lemon, which started off with him in bed with Kelly Brook. To be honest, the plot of the full film was lackluster at best, which involved Keith, a struggling Leeds businessman, dropping his useless invention, for a phone that he rebranded the Lemon phone, going on to dominate the market, and subsequently lose the fortune he had earned. Although the film boasts plenty of B-list celebrities, the cast was disappointing with no actor standing out and celebrities not being used well.The whole film felt silly, and I made the comparison with 'The Mighty Boosh', especially the villain Evil Steve among other quirky comedy.

Amongst attempts at gross out comedy, the film was laden with overkill use of Keiths catchphrases so to speak - 'oush' seem to make it into most scenes, with 'finger blast', 'smash your back doors in' and 'morererer' also making regular appearances. One thing that annoyed me was a repeated misuse of his northern accent when counting, for example 'two and a 'alf', something I have never seen Lemon do before, and was neither funny nor witty.

To be fair however, the film wasn't laughless. A scene in a taxi with various spice girls, a running joke with Gary Barlow, Ronan Keating and Simon Pegg; and Keith and Paddy McGuiness' character in a strip club all raised a smiled. But this wasn't enough to save the film by any stretch of the imagination.

Overall, Keith Lemon: The Film was a huge disappointment, they took away the reality and shock from Lemon, the one thing that made him funny, and made Francis act, to a script that must take longer to read than it did to write, which left the character looking awkward and unfunny, and ultimately set the film up to fail. Before wasting your money on this, perhaps consider other films that are out, especially if you want to be entertained, unless a partially naked Kelly Brook is all you want to see.

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