Bang Tidy! Reviewws.webs.com
25 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
About a year ago I remember hearing Keith Lemon say that he was making a movie, at first I thought it was a joke but to see that he's actually gone through with it comes as a bit of a surprise. Despite looking forward to this film for quite some time I still thought it was going to be absolutely awful and reading some insanely negative reviews only contributed towards this factor however I was pleasantly surprised upon watching it as I happened to really enjoy it. Your overall enjoyment comes down to one thing with this movie, whether you like Keith Lemon or not and personally I'm a big fan. There's no denying that it's a bad film but I found it absolutely hilarious at times and like I said I really enjoyed it.

The film follows Keith Lemon's rags to riches story. Basically Keith invents the lemon phone which is simply a phone with a light up lemon on the back and this leads to him having a Hollywood lifestyle as a celebrity who's in a relationship with Kelly Brook. Sure the plots weak but it's a film about Keith Lemon what do you expect? Leigh Francis as Keith Lemon is simply doing his normal thing delivering on all of his normal catchphrases such as "bang tidy" and if you can't stand Keith Lemon I imagine that you'll actively despise this film. Throughout its duration there's a number of celebrity cameos ranging from old timers to the more recent onslaught of celebrities such as Keith's apparent father Billy Ocean who turns up to belt out the classic "When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going" even Gary Barlow's in it and apart from a couple of cameo's they all work brilliantly.

No matter what era of Francis you enjoy there's definitely enough here to keep you entertained. After all even UK garage sensation Craig David makes an appearance, in Bo Selecta form of course. Throughout it's duration the film had me laughing whether it was quietly or out loud and admittedly you probably do have to have quite an immature sense of humour to enjoy this one and if you do you will certainly reap the rewards.

Keith Lemon: The Film obviously isn't going to win any awards as it's simply not a very good film but if you can get over that factor its certainly an enjoyable romp that will please Lemon fans like myself as I personally thought it was great and bang tidy for that matter.
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