Path to War (2002 TV Movie)
Watch this one - tragically relevant today
23 August 2012
This is a thought provoking and surprisingly watchable movie about LBJ and his success with Civil Rights and his failure with foreign policy in Vietnam.

There are a lot of characters but it's clearly presented. It is no mean feat with the different advisers giving contrary advice on escalating or cutting back on the war efforts then changing positions. Effectively shows LBJ as a man caught between a rock and a hard place and making the wrong choices in a war he didn't start or end but tragically escalated.

There are some faults. The diction of some of the actors is not clear. Alec Baldwin as McNamara swallows his words. Michael Gambon struggles with a Texas accent too. But he still does a good job at capturing the gruff essence of LBJ.

Good movie to watch now the country is embroiled in another terrible conflict. So many lessons to learn. Why is history repeating itself so soon?
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