The Visitants (1986)
So this is what euthanasia feels like
19 July 2012
Rick Sloane may well be remembered for MST3Ks bashing of Hobgoblins, but this movie, The Visitants is... worse. In Hobgoblins, at least things happen. In The Visitants, all that happens is your brain antrophies. I should elaborate - nothing happens. Almost the entire plot revolves some characterless high school guy nicking a gun (from the dollar-bin at wall-mart) from his next door neighbours who are aliens, and them wanting it back. The only time someone fires is, someone off-camera holds a red filter in front of the light-bulb. Acting? Hah! The school science teacher is played by the same old guy who played the security guard in hobgoblins out-acts the rest of the cast put together. The only other thing I can say about this movie is during once scene in the locker rooms, passers-by in the background try to gatecrash the set and a fight breaks out with the security guard. God... I need to go out an get air. This movie stinks....
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