Silent Hill (1999 Video Game)
Excellent Trip or Bad Trip!... & Hellish Nightmare!
18 July 2012
In 1999, i played SILENT HILL.

I putted the game in the PS, and, like i did for every movie, i closed the light... I was alone.

The Intro was outstanding and amazing. Then I started to play; after a few minutes i ended-up in a alley... I lived the most memorable sequence played in a video game so far. When Harry Mason wakes up, i pressed the Start Button (Pause). I opened up the light in my living room, i was frightened and disturbed: OOOHH! I love that feeling!!! SILENT HILL is addictive! I got addicted, and like any drugs, you'll experience a Excellent Trip or Bad Trip... & Hellish Nightmare! I went to the bathroom (call of nature); drank a glass of water; then i closed the light again... to the Otherworld...

SILENT HILL is a Masterpiece and a breakthrough not only in Horror but in the gaming world. Like ICO is to beauty and Light.

The Atmosphere is astonishing and creeps you out. The Music play with your visceral emotion with virtuosity.

The Story is very good, the characters are interesting, specially Dahlia Gilepsie. The game play and Graphics may not be the best, but sometimes, the camera movements are amazing and destabilizing. The shadow and the Fog enhance the element of Fear, you know there's something around you.

There's no problem with the Ending... And one of the many reasons SILENT HILL is a masterpiece is because for once, the game play with your mind & force you to Use it...

Go and experience it... if you dare...
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