16 July 2012
Hidden gem here.

This is a war film, and it gives us the best of all worlds in film making.

However, I don't want to build it up too much. It's best to be somewhat pleasantly surprised, like I was.

It gives us the old fashioned war film, with a focus on an isolated group of soldiers. Here, it is the Civil War, and the soldiers are on a patrol to confiscate food for their army from Confederate sympathizers.

My initial feeling is that the characters are too three dimensional for most of IMDb's bubble boy posters. For the rest of the world, I dare say this story would envelop them in a world they could believe existed.

The cinematography is outstanding. The scenery is powerful. Everything about this film is amazing. I'd nominate everyone from cue card holder up for an Academy Award.

I'll echo what others have said. The characters look true to the times. Not like 20th or 21st century actors in uniform between video games. This is the real deal. I also like the way the accents were moderate, more Kentucky than the recent push to turn Kentucky into Mississippi. This was the "neutral" state of the Civil War. Historically, and geographically, it has never been the South, but more of the meeting of North and South.

I won't tell more of the plot, because I think you should take the ride. Trust these reviews. I don't think this film can possibly get a bad review, unless it's from a jealous competitor.
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