The Other Side (I) (2006)
Not as bad as I expected.
9 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Other Side is set in Georgia where Hanna Thompson (Jaimie Alexander) works as a waitress, after her boyfriend Samuel North (Nathan Mobley) returns home after a long absence the two plan on meeting up that very night to rekindle their relationship. However Hanna never turns up to the arranged meeting place & Samuel becomes worried, then a white van suddenly rams Samuels car over a cliff with him still inside sending Samuel to his death. Samuel then wakes up in a hospital having escaped the pit in Hell, meanwhile three evil Reapers are sent from Hell to reclaim those who have escaped the pit & Samuel is on their hit-list along with anyone else who has managed to escape including Oz (Poncho Hodges) & Mally (Cory Rouse) who decide to help Samuel find Hanna & solve the mystery of her disappearance & hopefully find redemption which will keep them out of the pit & Hell for good...

Edited, written, produced & directed by Greg Bishop who is also credited as playing Reaper Number 4 I wasn't expecting much from The Other Side, so I saw that it was on telly & the on screen guide made it sound alright so I decided to record it & watch it when I was really bored & so I did. While I can't say The Other Side is anything better than average it did have some promise & with a bigger budget, decent actor's & proper special effects The Other Side could have been a bit of a sleeper hit. The script is a little loose with various genres all mixed together sometimes in very awkward fashion, from supernatural horror to action film to thriller to murder mystery & even tragic love story by the end The Other Side tries to put as much plot & action on screen as it can & it almost succeeds in being a great little film that no-one has ever heard of. Almost. For all it's enthusiasm & willingness The Other Side falls just short, there are too many unanswered questions like how is it so easy to escape from Hell? Multiple times as well. How did Oz & Mally know that Samuel was at the graveyard? The evil Reapers feel like they were modelled after Terminator's & while the set-pieces try hard like the rest of the film they fall a little short & fail to really excite or stay in the memory for that long. Overall The Other Side was much better than I expected but then again I expected a complete Turkey so anything even half decent was going to impress.

The film looks pretty good although one has to say there are several scenes which are very badly lit, the photography is decent enough & there's none of that horrible shaky hand-held crap although the film does cut between shots quite quickly but I suspect that was because of the budget rather than an artistic choice. There's not that much blood or gore but there's some blood splatter, some gory gunshot wounds, a scythe through someone's chest, a huge shotgun blast through someone's body, a guy has his head pulverised with a huge pneumatic drill (off screen) & there are some alight shoot-outs & fights which are probably as good as the makers could do on the budget.

Amazingly the budget for The Other Side was apparently just $15,000 which means everyone basically worked for free, director Bishop apparently financed the film himself with profits from his animated short Voodoo (1999). Filmed in Atlanta in Georgia. The acting isn't great, I have seen worse I suppose but it's not going to win anyone any awards.

The Other Side is surprisingly quite good, it's not great & I don't think I would want to see it again but for what it is & made with the limitations it was it's better than it has any right to be. Not a bad little time waster & you could do a lot worse.
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