eCupid (2011)
Me: Siri, Why has eCupid won so many GLBT Festival recognition?
17 June 2012
Siri: Sorry Vye-ken, I can't find a reason "why eCupid has won so many GLBT Festival recognitions" may I suggest you look at the poster.

I honestly don't understand why this movie has so many laurel wreaths cradling "Best Picture", "Official Selection" awards from tiny American Queer Film Festivals on its poster. A crown made from laurel leaves used to mean that the recipient was an outstanding specimen of its kind and were raised to Olympian status. In movie terms it was an emblem of having made it to the Cannes movie festival. Instead, it appears people figured out that laurel wreaths can easily be made by stringing together a few bay leaves, who are the least popular and versatile members of our spice rack, and mislead many to mistake the movie for a good one.

eCupid is not a great movie, it's not even a good movie.

It is a cutesy little magical reality (the kind of stories your grandmother told you) flick that never should have made it out of the spell book. At least not without a lot more chanting and agonizing magic making - and maybe an eye of newt thrown in - to make the movie magic work. As it stands, eCupid doesn't really take off and left this reviewer feeling a little bruised. The story is predictable, with mediocre acting and such sad sets that make you want to make a donation to the filmmakers. It has all the essential - read predictable - ingredients: a cute male model type lead with a hug-able boyfriend, care-bearable friends and hot tamale one-night-stands. What it lacks is any reason to remember the movie once the credits start rolling...that is IF you end up staying till the end - because you don't need to at all, instead you may be able to catch another festival movie playing in the theater next door.

However, if you do tough it to the end, you will get to see Morgan Fairchild play a - wait for it - a country diner waitress. Shocking right?! All I remember from that scene is thinking how much more plastic can that women get before she starts melting under the movie lights!
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