Enter Nowhere (2011)
Gripping indie thriller - but definitely NOT a horror
5 June 2012
I'm a massive horror fan. I pretty much only watch horror. So I picked this one expecting it to be just that. Right away, let me tell you that it isn't horror in any way. There wasn't a single horror element that I could pick out, so if you're looking purely for horror then this isn't for you.

Having said that, it was a good film. More of a sci-fi film than anything else, the story revolves around three people who find themselves stuck in the middle of the woods, with no way of going for help and dwindling supplies. It was shot very well, making the audience feel the sense of isolation that pervaded the place, and it was heavy on characterisation, which was also well done, meaning that by the end we really cared about the characters. I won't give too many more details about the film, because this is a film which is better the less you know going into it, but by the time the twist comes you're really believing in the characters and willing them to do well.

I didn't see the twist (but that's probably because I never watch sci- fi) and I thought it was pretty interesting. It really made me think more into the film, and remember bits from the start. I'm still thinking about the ending now, which is the mark of a good film for me. It got into my head and made me think it all through.

I gave it 6/10 because I enjoyed it, it made me think, but I don't understand why it was labelled horror and now that I know the twist, I wouldn't watch it again. It's worth 90 minutes of your time though
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