The Legend of Dragoon (1999 Video Game)
A playstation Classic
19 May 2012
When the Playstation was in it's heyday, around the late 90's, Great games were coming out. CastleVania: Symphony of the night, Final Fantasy VII, Gran Turismo, They were all classics. Then came a game that Topped everything else - The Legend of Dragoon. First off, it came on 4 Discs....4 Discs....that was even bigger than Final fantasy's 3 discs. It had a huge story. It had Amazing Characters. It had amazing music, and most of all, it was fun.

You play as Dart, a 23-year old mercenary from the small village of Seles. Dart's Whole life mission is to get revenge for the death of his parents when he was only 5 years old. but When his Home is attacked by the Sandora Empire and his best friend, Shana is kidnapped, His quest for revenge goes beyond a search for a black monster.

The Legend of Dragoon is an Amazing Game. To this day, people still discuss their happy (and sad) memories of this game. People has wanted more of the legend of dragoon and some people even want a movie made about it. It was revealed recently that a sequel was planned but eventually cancelled.

Bottom line, if you want to get your hands on a copy of this, you don't need to spend much if you have a PSN account, you can download it for 6 bucks. I kid you not. $6.00 American money. Or if you want a hard copy, the game isn't hard to find for a good price.
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