Review of 52 Pick-Up

52 Pick-Up (1986)
9 May 2012
This is definitely a Guy Flick, though the kind of guy who really enjoys this probably isn't somebody you'd feel good about trusting with your sister or daughter. Not being a guy myself, the appeal is elusive. Not that it isn't a well-crafted thriller; what points I gave it are an acknowledgment of that, but since it's my personal review I'm giving my subjective opinion. That can be pretty well summed up with a few adjectives: VIOLENT, SLEAZY, REPULSIVE. It probably made money, though, and in the film industry that counts for a lot. Age restrictions were created especially to spare impressionable young minds the kind of imagery presented here. Makes you yearn for good clean sex and violence... Definitely on my list of films to never see again.
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