Wow! A pretty impressive mix of comedy & realism.
27 April 2012
'Best Friends Forever' is pretty unique. I haven't seen a TV series that delivers both sitcom-style comedy & real emotional drama so successfully.

One minute you're watching funny one-liners & gags...and the next minute you're watching some serious emotional throw-downs. You'd think the transition between these two "worlds" would be jarring...instead, it's totally seamless.

Usually, when a comedy show wants to go anywhere near something "real" (emotionally speaking) will do so in a very disingenuous & sarcastic manner (think 'Community'). Whereas, 'Best Friends Forever' refuses to compromise. Each moment is given the levity or gravity it deserves.

Credit should go to the lead actresses. They know how to deliver fun play-fights (comedy) & serious real-fights (drama). And if I've read the credits correctly, they also know how to write interesting characters.

Jessica St. Clair's character is pretty noteworthy. If this was a book, she could easily come off as annoying. Raw text has a hard time delivering subtle sub-text. But when you watch the show, you see that "Jessica" is the age-old story of the "sad clown". Her hyper-activity is a natural reaction to her insecurities & fragility.

Lennon Parham's character is something you almost NEVER get to see on TV...a NORMAL woman. She likes to have fun, but she knows she has responsibilities. She's convinced her boyfriend that taking in her best friend is a burden, but she's way too giddy & giggly in the company of said burden.

So far, the male characters seem to be a bit "unexplored". The danger in this kind of show is that men are treated as the sort of dull sideshows women have been treated as for most of television history. Hopefully, the writers will flesh out Joe & Rav as the series progresses.

As you'll see, there's lots of entertaining stuff going on in 'Best Friends Forever'. There's a lot I haven't mentioned (like the gorgeous filming & hilarious little neighbour). There's nothing else like it on television. Hell, it's one of the best things on television.
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