In my honest opinion, the worst film I have ever seen.
15 April 2012
I like to think that I am quite open minded when it comes to films, so when my fiancé bought me this title for Christmas, stating that he thought it looked a little like Harry Potter from the cover (as I am a massive Harry Potter fan)I was willing to give it a go. On watching the film though, we found that the only similarities between it and Harry Potter were the fonts on the DVD cover. To call this a film is a gross exaggeration as from what I saw a rank amateur has got his/her hands on a camera and thought "I know, I'll film my mate running around the woods for 85 minutes, that'll be great entertainment". The acting, scenery, music and storyline were diabolical and the highlight for me was when I realised it was over. Comparing it to Narnia as it does on the box is nothing short of heinous. After watching about 20 minutes my fiancé and I found the most entertainment reading reviews of the film on here, so for these reasons if you have bought this DVD without reading the reviews here are a few uses for the disc, because under NO circumstances should you put it in your DVD player: 1. It serves as a good coaster (as pointed out by a previous review). 2. Put it in the microwave and watch the pretty colours. 3. Use it as a Frisbee. 4. Use under a wobbly table or chair leg to stabilise it, the disc is a good size for this. 5. Use as a handy compact mirror. In conclusion do not watch this film EVER, I have been cheated out of 85 minutes of my life that I will never get back, so I hope everyone else learns from my mistake and either does not buy it or if they have finds an alternative use for the disc.
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