Midnight Lace (1960)
Doris Pulls Out All The Stops
4 April 2012
The last of Doris Day's dramatic roles came with her being the terrorized wife in Midnight Lace. Henceforth she did nothing but comedies and musicals.

Not that she wasn't good in dramatic parts. Doris did well in Love Me Or Leave Me, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Storm Warning, and Julie. But in Midnight Lace she does pull all the stops out as a woman who seems to have attracted a stalker. In fact she meets the stalker in a fog bound London park near her home who threatens to kill just before the opening credits.

Doris is practically a newlywed, married to Rex Harrison a London businessman who is concerned but never is quite there enough to offer support. Even her visiting aunt Myrna Loy is thinking Doris has lost a step or two in her ladder. The only one who seems to believe her is John Gavin who is boss of a construction job next door. He's even a bit creepy himself because he knew who she was without any introduction.

The Man Who Knew Too Much was probably her best dramatic role and it was done for the master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock. But the Hitchcock film that Midnight Lace is best compared to is Dial M For Murder with Grace Kelly being the stalking victim there. Even the Scotland Yard inspector is the same in both films, John Williams.

By the way Williams unravels the truth behind the harassing phone calls in a most unusual way that the perpetrator never took into account.

The mood of Midnight Lace is somber and tense and Doris, Rex, and the rest of the cast perform their roles to perfection.
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