23 March 2012
I am so glad to see a local author recognised during their working life in this way! Fantastic to see the series made. Yes, they have changed a few of the "facts" but it has to tie together within a restricted framework of a TV series.

I also thought Essie Davis was older than the character was meant to be (about 27) but I could not think of anyone better for the role. I don't think she plays it as too experienced a person; you must remember that people grew up a lot faster in wartime than they do in the comfortable lazy days we live in now.

As for the review entitled "Ho Hum", if the roles were reversed, and the important characters male, with the females filling the vacuous or stupid roles, it would be NORMAL TELEVISION FARE! For once, we have a story that represents women in a strong light, and having some fun, instead of being a backdrop to a male tale.

ABC, you rock!
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