Watson & Oliver (2012–2013)
just not funny
5 March 2012
If Watson and Oliver want to be the new French and Saunders they've failed. They're more like the new Horne and Corden. Yes it really is that bad.

The problem is one that seems to exist in most modern British comedy series, especially on the BBC. There's a belief that silly voices, wigs, repetitive catch phrases and absurdity is inherently funny. It's not.

There is no subtlety in the writing or the performances. People deliberately being inept or stupid isn't funny. People with delusions of grandeur who fail are more likely to be. Watson and Oliver feels like watching kids playing dress up. It's not a performance, it's just showing off.

It's a pity because there isn't enough female comedy on TV. Watson is a good presenter and Oliver is a decent actress but they're not a comedy double act that anyone is going to warm to. They're too much like Hazell and Pepperdine when they should be Morecambe and Wise.
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