Batman: Come Back, Shame (1966)
Season 2, Episode 25
Batman-Come Back, Shame
4 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"It makes no difference if you win or lose, but how you play the game."

"Come Back, Shame" has Shame (the late, great Cliff Robertson, obviously having a blast quipping western slang), a villain in western attire who leaves a platinum bullet at places where he commits his crimes (he has been stealing types of vehicles, his most daring effort the Gotham City race car right off the track during a speedway race with a gathering of 800,000 spectators), quite successful to the point that Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara will call Batman and Robin for help. "To the Batpoles!" "Holy jigsaw puzzles!" The motivation behind Shame's thievery, stealing bits and pieces from those autos he takes to create a vehicle with a super-engine that would make the batmobile run like a "turtle with arthritis". Batman actually has a" Precious Metals Bat Analyzer" to test the platinum bullet left at the Gotham speedway. If you don't get a giggle from Robertson's preposterous western villain imitation then there is no funny-bone to tickle. Shame actually has a love-interest named "Okie Annie"(Joan Staley)…haha! Shame actually has a purple tie with white polka dots and his hideout is in an abandoned western studio town! The batcycle turns up in this episode which even turns a cow's head. "Talking to you is like talking pig Latin to a donkey." This is probably the only time when you will see Batman and Robin in a saloon bar fight and it is a doozy. "Holy stampede!" It is rare that you see the villains get the edge over the caped heroes, but a handy wooden chandelier hanging from a rope does the trick. Shame has a herd prepared for his adversaries.

"I'll tell everybody you died with you bat-boots on!"

"Tune in tomorrow! Shame time! Shame channel!"

This episode was brilliant.
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