Creature From Black Lake (1976)
1 March 2012
For some reason, I don't know why, I just can't get enough of these terrible VHS bigfoot movies. I guess they just instill some form of nostalgia in me of a time that I wasn't even born in. But anyway, if you're looking for a well-made Hollywood horror film here, then look the other way because this is just straight up low budget bigfoot geek stuff right here. Granted it has some decent scenes within, the acting is the typical badness you would expect from such a film, the premise is equally as predictable, we know what is going to happen pretty much the entire time we're watching it, and yet it's still entertaining to watch.

Our cast here is made up of our typical non-actors who probably had to improv half of the dialog, and that is why it is equally as terrible. All of this is what makes the movie great in the first place, I've seen bigger and better produced films than this that were god awful. ('The Final Destination', the fourth film in that series).

Nothing spectacular here, and you can get the same thrills elsewhere from countless other bigfoot flicks, namely 'The Legend Of Boggy Creek' and 'The Legend Of Bigfoot' the two this film probably borrows the most heavily from. I'd say they are all probably equally worthwhile, but know what you are about to watch before you watch it.

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