Divine: The Series (2011– )
Could be the best sci-fi series on the web right now
8 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
*** Possible minor spoilers ***

I checked Divine: the Series out recently and I have to say I'm impressed. Here's my opinion on why this series could be the best sci-fi series on the web right now:

First off the filming quality is incredible. The show obviously has a budget to do something decent. Nothing I've found on the web looks this damn good. The other reviews mention comic book style - yes, it does have that look, which is cool. Lots of shots of people's eyes.

Intelligent story. There's nothing worse than watching some new show and its obvious they are trying to make something out of nothing. Not the case here. The story details religious debate and human struggles, and so far it has been done in an interesting way that doesn't feel old. Not much is revealed in the first 5 episodes (only 10-ish minutes long each) but there could be a lot brewing under the surface. Here's hoping that's the case.

Edgy violence and gore. It may not float everyone's boat, but I like my blood and guts IF they are well done, and this show does not disappoint. Check out the demon baby in episode 2 for something you don't see every day. ("baby's always hungry…")

Badass character's. Misha Collins does his Supernatural origins proud. I have to say even the priests are cool. Dan Payne, great. Allen Sawkins, great. Haven't seen much of John Emmet Tracy yet, but he is one spooky dude. Impressive acting all around, as far as I can tell.

Surprisingly good score. I checked the credits and it looks like its all original music. Nice touch.

Overall in my opinion, this series has earned its stars so far. Episodes longer than ten minutes would be nice. Good potential. I could really become a fan, and I'm usually right about these things.
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