Almost too ridiculous for reviewing
2 February 2012
I rate this episode 5 for one reason... I don't know if I should have enjoyed it or not.

This entire episode I spent open jawed at the blatant sexism on display along with the worst jeopardy of any episode (and this being Batman that says a lot)a human knot? REALLY? Upon the request of Nora Clavicle, the new Commissioner of Gotham, all the police officers are replaced with women. Batman and Robin having nothing to do decide to investigate the reason women are now in charge. After a "human knot" involving the dynamic trio and a bank robbery with the most sexist of overtones (undertones far to subtle for this show) we run into the greatest plan ever... because all women... and only women... are scared of mice.

I feel dirty after watching this. Like a car crash. I shouldn't crane my neck and slow down to see, but somehow I do.

I'm glad this sexism doesn't exist today but my god I laughed... I just hope I did it ironically. As I hope will you, if you dare watch.
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