I Don't Know What They Were Thinking
18 January 2012
I found this movie utterly vapid and Kate as completely self-absorbed and frankly lame as SJP's Carrie in Sex and the City. Maybe my view is clouded by the Occupy Wall Street movement, but I just had a really difficult time feeling sorry for the banker with a nanny and a house big enough to fit a tennis court into who conveniently ignores the blessings she does have in favor of whining about being judged for sending her daughter to a school event with a store-bought rather than home-made pie. And that's basically all this movie is - a pity party. It's narcissism at a level that can only be described as a Kate vacuum. They literally had to make sure there was absolutely nothing going on other than what's happening to her - or if there is, that Kate makes it about her - so that Christina Hendricks and/or Olivia Munn wouldn't steal the show with absurd ease.

The book it's based on may be good, but it's British and from what I've heard, contains the kind of dry humor and subtle undertones that Hollywood has become too heavy-handed to be able to portray adequately. As it is, I don't understand how anyone saw enough in this script to make the movie happen. Probably the same thing they see in Sarah Jessica Parker as an actress.
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