James Dean Remembered (1974 TV Movie)
Some Nice Interviews on Dean
18 January 2012
James Dean Remembered (1974)

*** (out of 4)

Peter Lawford hosts this documentary taking a look at the life and films of James Dean. What separates this from countless other documentaries is that Lawford sits down with those who worked with or knew Dean and these interviews are the main reason to check this film out. Sammy Davis, Jr. starts off talking about why their friendship never really got much press and from here he shares some private stories about Dean including a bizarre party where Dean wanted to meet Marlon Brando. Natalie Wood talks about why she wanted to do REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE and her thoughts on the type of person Dean was. Sal Mineo talks about being terrified of the actor and how at the same time he looked at him like an idol. Leonard Rosenman, who scored both EAST OF EDEN and REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, talks about his friendship with Dean falling apart because the actor wanted him to be a father to him. Rosenman also talks about the rumors of Dean being a homosexual. Finally, Steve Allen talks about the legacy of Dean and if it's a good thing that people started to look up to a "rebel" instead of someone like Lincoln. Overall this is a pretty good look at Dean's career as we get all sorts of TV and film clips but those who aren't familiar or haven't seen the three big films should certainly avoid this until you do because the endings to EAST, REBEL and GIANT are all told and discussed here.
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