Review of 11/11/11

11/11/11 (2011 Video)
We need something better than this adaptation of Satan-revival story...
17 January 2012
I'll try be brief. And I think I can do that.

There was some moments I liked, but most of the movie was just copy of many cliché. We've seen that types of Satan sect/legend stories many times, so, I thought, maybe this could be something else. It was, actually. But in wrong way.

It has some good ideas, but all those failed at realization, just before they could be expanded more. Characters were interesting, and actors played them well, but their screenplay decisions couldn't make me believe that person could act this way. Not mention disbelieving CG effects and action scenes. Ending could be interesting even more, but it has something in itself.

Sorry, but we need something better than this adaptation of Satan-revival story.
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