Homeland: Marine One (2011)
Season 1, Episode 12
27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Over the course of this weekend, I sat and watched the entire series as it was available in the On Demand section. I was thrilled to have found such a fantastic series and ate every episode like a Lays potato chip. Coincidentally, after watching the season finale, I feel exactly the same way I do when I realize I've eaten the whole bag--sick to my stomach and wondering where the hell the thrill had gone. What.the.hell.happened?! Horrible, unsatisfying, and ridiculously inappropriate ending. It's like the writers turned it over to a 4th grade class and told them to ad lib the ending. So so so disappointed.

Not only are so many questions left unanswered, but the token mishaps with the flubbed bomb vest were ridiculous. Were there any mishaps with the briefcase that sent Carrie to the hospital?

Why oh why was the heroine left at the end appearing to be a stark- raving lunatic? Is this some kind of message? "Hey America, if you try to expose the government, you may be right, but you'll lose your job, you'll be labeled a total nutcase, you'll be arrested, and guess what! Your brain gets fried! Yay!" Good googly, Showtime. How unsatisfying can you get?!?!
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