Progeny (1998)
A laughably poor "alien abduction" horror film
13 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Arnold Vosloo plays Craig Burton, a doctor who when making love to his wife one night experiences an "alien abduction" and begins to suspect that his wife (Jillian McWhirter) who became pregnant on that night is really carrying an alien baby, and he goes to great lengths to prevent the alien baby from coming to term ending up with him hacking her to pieces trying to get the alien out.

That's it. I've summarized the whole film, and now you don't need to see it. Why? It's possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. The acting is some of the worst I've ever seen, with Vosloo putting in a one-note, flat performance that evokes Tommy Wiseau, and the supporting cast hamming it up in an attempt to be emotional but just coming off as plain funny.

The special effects are hilarious. When the "grey aliens" turn up, they look like unconvincing rubber blow up dolls being waved around, and the "alien experimentation" scene where McWhirter is impregnated by aliens is laughable as she writhes around screaming among a bunch of fake looking "alien tentacles". Also, Vosloo being "floated off" his wife in bed is done in a really daft way, and just adds to the naffness of the whole thing.

I watched it to the end and derived some amusement from the poor acting and special effects, but this is not one of those "so bad it's good" films, it's just bad. For a better "alien abduction" film try CBS's 1991 miniseries Intruders, the bizarre Christopher Walken flick Communion or find the alien abduction flashback sequence from Fire in the Sky online, all of which offer better special effects, a better plot line (in the case of the Fire in the Sky alien sequence, a ten minute scene is better than 70 mins of this) and are just better entertainment.

Vosloo went on to become Imhotep in The Mummy, which mostly just required him to grin in an evil manner and let the CGI do the acting which was a marked improvement over his performance in this film. I think Lindsay Crouse, who plays Vosloo's shrink, went on to have some minor bit parts in some TV series, and the rest of them appear to have gone on to have small parts in direct-to-video horror and action films that populate the bargain buckets of the country's supermarkets.

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