Promoting the myth of the virtuous whore...
12 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I know my summary sounds very harsh, but that is the idea promoted in this film--an idea that was popular in the days just before Hollywood's Production Code was strengthened. In these early talkies, you could have a VERY active sex life and still be a good girl--something completely forbidden in later films due to this Code. It's a weird dichotomy but one that keeps this and films like it from every being boring.

The film is set on the campus of a girls' college. It seems that many of the young ladies take a class with a certain professor (Frederic March) because he's so gosh-darned handsome. As for the Professor, he's sick of it--and is brutally strict in his grading. He is serious about his work. It is obvious that one of the girls in particular (Clara Bow) is infatuated with him--yet she also exasperates him with her flighty ways and lack of interest in her coursework. All Clara wants to do is think and talk about men as well as have a VERY good time! One night, Clara leads a group of girls in some raucous behaviors that get them thrown out of a party. So, with their risqué costumes, they head to a roadhouse--and are all very nearly gang-raped! The ladies scatter and the gang of sex-crazed men chase Clara into the woods. She is able to escape only because her Prince Charming (March) arrives in the nick of time and slugs a couple of them and they beat a hasty retreat. Afterwords, Clara kisses him passionately....and he LIKES it! Is there any chance for their love? And, what will the school do when and if they discover this? And, what about Clara's friend--the bookish goody-goody? She gets herself involved in a VERY innocent scandal that might get her expelled? If you care, tune in to this strange and wild film.

This film earns a 4 but it's not that easy to sum up the film. Technically speaking, the acting was occasionally bad and the writing was a bit cheesy--hence the 4. On the other hand, although it's a bad movie, it IS entertaining and fun...in a low-brow sort of way. I see it as a must for lovers of Pre-Code excess but a film that will probably leave most others unfairly assuming early talkies were pretty crappy. Since I love Pre-Code films and Clara Bow, it's a must, though I must admit that her acting was, at times, a bit suspect.
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