"One of Scorsese' best!"
17 November 2011
Without doubt this is one of my favourite films of last year, so here is my review, enjoy!

Plot Summary Shutter Island, adapted for the big screen from the book by Denis Lehane, is the story of U.S Marshall Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) who is sent to Shutter Island, a spooky looking, fog covered island home to a mental institute for the criminally insane. He is too investigate the escape and disappearance of an inmate at the institute along with the help of his partner Chuck (Rufallo).

What I thought of it I must admit, I'm quite the fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, a lot of my favourite films have him in ('Departed', 'Inception', 'Catch Me If You Can' etc) so I was quietly confident that this was going to be another great of his especially as, like 'departed', it was directed by Martin Scorsese.

All of my pre-conceptions were true when watching this, both DiCaprio and Ruffalo give great memorable performances. DiCaprio's role turns out to be a very dark role, in which his character is struggling mentally with so much, not just with the job at hand but also the loss of his wife in an apartment fire. Throughout the film these thoughts going through his head get harder to ignore and completely change the character, which DiCaprio portrays exceedingly well.

Both actor and director do a fantastic job of messing with our emotions and feelings in this film, really making us draw strong opinions of certain characters, of which often change throughout the course of the film.

Summary Many people have criticised and labelled this film as being a typical DiCaprio film with a predictable and obvious ending, I must disagree! This film has some great twists and turns of which I expected none, and the performances given by all of the actors involved are some of there personal bests.

I would definitely give this film a watch whether your a fan of DiCaprio or not, this may change your opinion.... 8/10 Stars
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