Poor Execution and Poor Representation
15 November 2011
Based on the 1-hour premier, the Green Lantern universe is poorly represented in this series. Sectors outside the 3600. Green Lanterns using ships. As obvious an attempt to make toys for the series as ewoks. Green Lanterns unable to create complex constructs. The need for computers. All these things should be possible with the rings. The limit is imagination not power or complexity. The premise of the rings is not respected. The limited power rings makes their abilities confusing.

I would excuse most of these complaints if the execution of the series was better. Hal's ineptitude with his ring makes him a poor hero. He is his own worst enemy as usual. As an established hero, Hal doesn't appear to be a stumbling new hero. He appears to be a cocky insubordinate fool, who will stumble into victory rather than using his intelligence or imagination.

This series should not last. It is yet another incarnation of Green Lantern that contradicts all other versions. Although a fresh interpretation can be good, this interpretation seems to enhance the negatives and reduce the positives.
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