The potential outweighed the product
3 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I initially was really pleased after watching American Zombie but after thinking on it for a bit... I'm not so sure.

First, what I did like. I thought the acting is really well done in this. Yes it's supposed to be a mockumentary but characters like Jane really stood out. I did feel a tension which kept me interested through out the film. The production value was good, the sound was good, and the visuals were good. (Keep in mind it's a documentary style so there's no super cinematography in this but I was sold on the style)

I really liked the idea of "normal" zombies. I think that's a really interesting concept that plays out very well. I really liked the interaction between (i'm sorry I forget her name, but the really upbeat girl who at the end attacks John) and her "boyfriend". I like the optimism in trying to be something she's not. I like the scrapbooking and how she has no memory before her death so now she tries to keep everything in a memory... I like the depth the characters a lot.

Now, things after reflection...

Too much goes unexplored and left on the table for me to just guess at. The blue vials, what are they? are they some substitution for human flesh? are they drugs? feral zombies, where are they?

This film takes a while before it becomes interesting then that interest is quickly subsided as the pay offs fall flat. Live Dead... I'm thinking some subversive stuff, things the zombies don't want humans to see and it really is just Burning man for about 30 zombies. There just isn't enough tension to keep one engaged. A zombie stumbles next to the film makers tent... they complain about it then, nothing happens from it. They find their camp trashed, but they go to sleep with little worry. They are forced to leave the grounds but are easily able to film from a hill top near by. John drinks a blue vial... but he just feels a little sick then that's it.

I think what this suffers from is telling not showing which I know is hard to say since it's a documentary style but... John says he saw some crazy stuff, but we don't see it. The filmmakers say they see a girl get eaten... but we don't actually see it. They say the girl who is eaten turns into a zombie... but we're told it, not shown it. We hear zombies outside the tent, but we don't see them. It's just hard to really feel the danger when we have to just assume it all.

Another problem is I feel like there's a hugely interesting back story to how the undead came to be and how humans initially reacted to them, but all we get is a historian interview about how zombies happen, then stop for no reason. That's not backstory. That's just saying...look, we don't know, just go with it. This is a problem for me as one can't really understand humans reactions correctly. Zombies have jobs, walk freely, have their own apartments etc... people don't feel fear of them which is confusing as everyone is aware of the Hollywood zombie stereotype. Yet, John, still talks about how he wants to know if they eat flesh and what have you. The clarity of what humans know or believe or fear isn't clear so it makes it hard for a viewer, who naturally puts themselves in those shoes, to understand thus making everything have to be explained, but with so many things unexplained you feel you're not getting enough info to make any real decision. WHEW that's a run on, sorry.

Finally Johns infection. While I like the idea of him turning, I think it's too on the nose. There's a scene where John says all the zombies names have 4 letters, then Grace says, yeah, like John. Well go figure John gets bitten and turns. But...why? Why be bitten? I get the idea others have talked about such as self fulfilling prophecy but I think the bigger picture is his recognition of his bias and facing his fear. He's looking for the dirt on being a zombie... now he knows. But the film paints zombies in so many lights... normal, crazy, deceitful, liars, conniving, plotting... (Yes I get that these are all also human traits). But the tension of the plotting and what have you is lost when Johns bitten. Then it's just spelling it out for you which isn't what a film like this should do. Having him turn from the vial drink would have been far more interesting to then see how he deals with his turning and even an interview with him at the end as a zombie.

Look, this isn't a bad movie. And the fact that i'm focusing almost entirely on the story is important to note. This had many good things going for it. Again, acting, concept, production value, decent camera work etc... The way the story played out just didn't live up to what was a really good idea. I give a lot of credit for trying something new and in the zombie genre, originality is key and often lacking. The end product is a decent movie but I think it will bore gore hounds and general horror fans. I think the only people I could recommend this film to are people like me... those are people who enjoy zombie movies for subtext and meaning, not just for kills and girls in skimpy clothing.
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