I laughed plenty in this easily enjoyable comedy, i don't understand the hate everyone has for it.
22 October 2011
Sarah Jessica Parker hasn't had the most stellar film career after ending SATC but i think it's mainly due to the fact that she immortalized the character of Carrie that no matter what role she plays from now on will seem mediocre, especially one like this which is miles away from the hip Manhattan-ite we all know and love. I don't understand the extremely low rating and terrible reviews for this movie, for me it was a lot of fun.

I honestly laughed a lot through this movie and isn't that what a comedy is supposed to make a viewer do? Granted yes it may be cliché in parts but that sure is nothing new in Hollywood, the storyline is a quite done and dusted storyline but it does try to put its own kind of twist on it, helping with his are the interview shots with Christina Hendricks and Busy Philips, two women who have polar opposite ideas of what women should be and this adds a lot to the movie i thought, i personally sided with the Christina Hendricks viewpoint as i'm sure most people also do. It is only joked about but there is totally a double standard with men and women when it comes to juggling work and family and this movie handles it quite well i thought.

Sarah Jessica Parker is just so easy to watch in no matter what she is in, every time you hear her voice it's like hearing and old friend, and i might add she really pulls out some comic edge in this movie, i found her hilarious, the supporting cast are also pretty good, Christina Hendricks standing out a the supportive best friend, her role is slightly underused but she still stands out, also worth mentioning is Busy Philips in a great role which is very out of character for her, she should do more comedy.

So this movie is far from the greatest thing ever, but it's entertaining, easy to watch, the characters are relatable and there are lots of laughs to be had if you just go with it. Try and enjoy.
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