A Bed room Comedy from Nazi Germany
21 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
But let's start with Fox and C.N.N. of the Nazi past , A excellent digital print of Die Duetsche Woschenschau, except for the age of the film element itself. Its Christmas time for old Old Adolph's soldiers as they are resting and recovering Their injuries', that they deserved, at a retreat. They play in the snow , from hockey to throwing snow balls at each other. The winners of the Hockey game get a large mug of Hot Wine. The inspiration of ,Ilsa She Wolf of the S.S.. The R.a.d.s, S.S. Frauen. They are having a good Christmas time too. They are skiing to their jobs down hill. What is it? To whip and torture Nazi victims with cat o nine tails? Nope! To aid poor farmers who are having a tough time due to the war, thanks to Hitler. You see Russia being defeated in this News reel and other hopelessness things. Why did England bombed France? cause Paris sided with the Nazis. You see nothing but destroyed buildings and a few French picking up the pieces while ,in subtitles, the Nazis blame the British. More lies from the Nazis and now the feature. Ferd plays Michael an architect who runs a firm, propaganda number 1. He is at the train station to meet his love, a married love that is. Hannelore Woltars, played by Alice Treff, has just left the snowy mountains visiting her friend Christine, played by Trudi Haefelin. Before she gets on the train, Helene Wagner,played by Lennie Marenbach who is a baby , child and freelance photographer,propaganda number 2, is on the train hearing about the women's affairs. As Trudi gets on the train in the same compartment with Helene,poor Helen!, she and Helene gets to know each other on the train. As soon as the train gets home and Trudi goes to meet Michael, Bedsides him is her Husband Woltars played by Hans Zesch Ballot, is right next too him. Trudi doesn't know what to do. Then Helene, poor Helen! comes out of the train and realize the situation and quickly cover up for Trudi by going up to Michael and starts to hug and kiss him to give an impression that she was the one whom Michael is waiting for. Then Michael takes her to her apartment but she forgot her glove .He goes back in and can't find her. At her apartment she talks to her room mate and secretary, Steffi, played by Lucy English seen for the first time not playing a Lithuanian dress up in a Hungarian outfit, about Michael. At his firm Michael talks to his associate, who's a heavy drinker,Lutz, played by George Alexander, about her. Trudi is force to be with her boring husband at home. When she feels that he's going to leave ,she tries to call Michael up . But he come back immediately.When they meet the next day, She and Michael, she's sore about the situation. She cuts off the meeting early. When she visits her husbands office, the secretary Helene Martin, played by Dithe Sanders, another poor Helen?, tells her that her Husbands is gone. When she looks at her husbands client note book she notices that initials H. W. She starts getting suspicious that it might be Helene Wagner, oh! oh! is poor Helen's last name propaganda too? Poor poor Helen! When he comes back she asks who's initials that is. It turns out to be hers. But she now suspicious. Michael looks all over for Helene, poor Helen! in the telephone book. He find her and calls her about her lost glove,poor! poor! Helen. She makes some kind of story up not to meet him cause of him being involved with a married Women Trudi. Trudi is talking with her friend worried about Fritz possibly having an affair with Helene,poor,poor,poor Helen! Trudi and her friend with her Husband go to an indoor sporting event,I thought this was the last propaganda ,but , with Helene last name this was near to the last,poor poor Helen. She spots Helene and her Secretary Steffi at the show. She thinks that she going to meet Fritz here . She's up there for a photo journalism. Michael up there too. He's see her again and having to pretend that they are both married to Fritz. But he's really interested in Helene,poor Helen! and what about Trudi? Steffi and Lutz get interested in each other. When she see Helene,poor ,poor Helen, and her husband talking together,she gets real jealous. Later she puts him out of the bedroom at home .Finaly Michael visits Helene at her office pretending to wanting to have his nephews photo being taken,but the nephew is not interest and leaves the office. He shows his works as an architect to Helene. They agree to get together on the weekend at a resort.,in separate rooms .She''s in love and determine to break up his affair with Trudi. She makes up a story that she's having an affair with a married man and has a drinking problem,while Steffi and Lutz are partying at home. Michael gets Jealous. Especially when one of her associate or business clients, played by Aurthur Schroder as Senior Counsler Helbig ,claiming to be the man. It almost turns into a fight. When Helene arrives home, Lutz and Steffi are partying. Michael tries to call up She answers pretending to be drunk. Frtiz calls up Helene, Trudi left him. They both go down to the train station to stop them. But it's almost too late until, Journalist, Dr Tessmer, played by Hans Paetsch, shows a photo of him, Michael. and Helene . This stops the train both go back to Their. Ernest Waldow makes an uncredited appearance as an detective. This is a digital print excellent quality, available at www.warfilms.com 10/21/11
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