Lots of teeth but no bite
21 October 2011
C-grade instalment in the ever popular cannibal catalogue, light years behind "Cannibal Holocaust" and not much closer to "Mangiati Vivi" or Cannibal Ferox". The indomitable Al Cliver takes centre stage, playing an explorer whose pre-adolescent daughter is abducted by cannibals while on a voyage down the Amazon river. Years later he returns with photo journalists in toe in an attempt to locate and retrieve her, and discovers she has ascended to local deity status.

At times incoherent, the rough editing, mediocre make-up and shoddy cinematography make a tough job even tougher, while trying to contend with the puerile dubbing and overly intense acting. There's the ubiquitous animal cruelty (a giant butterfly sandwich anyone?), severed limbs and other grotesque depictions that you'd expect, but it all seems more gratuitous than usual. Spanish horror maestro Jess Franco has apparently jumped on the cannibal franchise bandwagon, minus a cogent storyline, in pursuit of some quick pay dirt.

Lacking most of the fundamentals that make a professional film, it's barely credible as a movie a labour that may even bore the cannibal enthusiasts.
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