Review of What Lies Ahead

The Walking Dead: What Lies Ahead (2011)
Season 2, Episode 1
The Zombie March
18 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My buddy talked me into reality (as far as zombies go) today: "What, you don't think they should move at different speeds? Ever been on a sidewalk? NO ONE walks at the same pace." Good point: why would every zombie be able to balance and walk only at a slow mosey? Running is out, that takes much more coordination. But a semi quick trot in pursuit of food? I'll buy that. And some zombies aren't as motivated as others, hence some shamble aimlessly while some explore random places. This makes sense.

Two things that don't though. "This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about (scavenging)." More like a battlefield and even so, you're like the last people on earth. Afraid of a little bad PR? Get your children, friends, and compatriots anything that helps them survive. It's not robbing the dead. It's picking something useful up off the sidewalk. Seriously, I rolled my eyes just hearing her say that.

Dale keeping Andrea's gun because he doesn't feel comfortable with her having it. What? Is that even his call? You're twice as likely to shoot it accidentally, true. However, you're hundreds of times more likely to shoot a zombie since there are millions of them around. This is all after they've been overrun by zombies twice, first in the woods, now by a herd. Obviously she needs a gun. As a matter of fact, everyone needs a weapon, even the kids, at least a knife. How can that not be obvious? You have two trained policemen with you. Start teaching people weapons safety.

As opposed to some others I didn't think the CGI blood was overdone, personally. (Dressing a deer is messy, I assume dead humans are too). Plus, honestly, sometimes I want to see the gore. The lecture on suicide was pretty collegiate but still good to hear. Can't even say I totally disagreed with her. The religion undertones of this episode weren't too much in your face and they basically fit. Even the three walkers hanging out in church: that's probably where they reanimated after begging forgiveness, incapable of exiting, they eventually sat down. Other zombies have been shown sitting in cars, buses, and at home. Not really that odd.

All in all, I'm enjoying the ride. Way to come out swinging, keep the punches coming, and then leave it on a massive cliffhanger. Well done.
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