Just keep a positive attitude
11 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Jimmy Cagney was the king of cinema for quite a few years and with this one, you can see why.

The basic premise of this film is that Cagney is a good prize fighter but he doesn't like to fight so he just keeps his job as a truck driver...i.e...he has no ambition. His life-long girlfriend, who does love him, doesn't care for that so she goes out of her way to further her dancing career and leaves him behind for her life and not theirs together. What you get from the Ann Sheridan character is that she's too ambitious but what she really is is naive.

Jimmy Cagney ends up taking up fighting so he can try and keep the attention of his girl but ends up almost blind when another fighter cheats and uses a substance on his glove to blind him while they fight.

Throughout the entire film he's just a super positive guy. He lets his girl do whatever and he says.."I'm not worried". He's almost blinded and he says..."It'll get better..just takes time". At the end you'll have a tear in your eye but most of that will be from the positive outlook has regardless of the circumstance he's in.

One nice little surprise you'll see in this one is a very young Anthony Quinn. His role is in the first half of the film but does a good job with it.

If your feeling down and need a pick-me-up...see this one. It'll brighten you day.
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