I Got The Horse Right Here
6 October 2011
The Belles Of St. Trinian's are raising all kinds of mayhem once again with headmistress Alastair Sim in drag oblivious to all. It seems as though headmistress Sim and her brother the bookmaker are at odds over what to do about a racehorse.

Sim the bookmaker gets his daughter who was kicked out in the previous St. Trinian's film reinstated to buddy it up with a new girl whose father is an Arab sheik. The sheik played by Eric Pohlman has a racing stable with a new 3 year old that's greased lightning on the track. Naturally inside information about the horse is of big concern to the bookmaker. As the story unfolds brother and sister are at odds over what to do with information and then with the horse itself when it's kidnapped by the St. Trinian's girls foiling a kidnapping plot engineered by the bookmaker's friends.

As in the first St. Trinian's film this is an Alastair Sim show. Alec Guinness has nothing on Sim in playing a part in drag. I liked Sim in drag as the absolutely clueless headmistress who is oblivious to all around her. English Music Hall entertainer Sid James is always a treat as one of bookmaker Sims enforcers.

Of course there is a horse race at the climax of the film, You could do worse than see this very funny British comedy and find out what happens.
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